to think about how small i am is overwhelming. i went outside. i took a deep breath. i looked up at the sky. slowly, my eyes followed the horizon from east to west. from north to south. i began to turn, inch by inch, in a circle, keeping my gaze upon the line where the earth meets the sky. i have to take a deep breath again and this time i exhale with a shudder. my mind begins to ponder about this great expanse of space, and my body trembles at each thought - the thoughts that reinforce that fact that i am a tiny speck against the night sky. i am lost in the deepest of blues and my words and my thoughts and my opinions are swept away like an uprooted reed forced along by a rapid current. i stop turning and begin to pray...
Jesus, in the expanse You are sovereign. Your hand pieced together the fabric of the sky and scattered the stars across a billion miles, again and again. i am so small, yet You are near. You are across the great sky, and You are whispering in my ear. please open my eyes to who You are. teach me to breathe in slowly, deeply, and give me the faith to know You are greater and better and more capable than i will ever understand. i await the day when i will cut ties here and begin an eternity of worship. to that day i press onward. You are beautiful. You are. Amen
let us not forget to tremble...
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