We are not perfect. We stumble from the Lord, we bury ourselves into more of ourselves and turn our eyes away from the Creator to the Created. We build idols, we disobey, we do not listen and even more do not seek. We fall. The evidence is all over Scripture, all over creation, and all over our hearts.
We are called to confess these sins and the condition of our hearts that produces the actions and reactions we have to the world around us.
We confess to the Lord that we are lost and need a shepherd. We need grace and redemption. We need to confess deeds to seek forgiveness and more importantly must confess the intentions and thought of our hearts to seek healing and restoration for the dark parts of our hearts. Thanks be to God that He restores and heals and moves in us. Thanks be to God that He disciplines His children and those He calls His own. Thanks be to God that He has created the body like He has so that a bunch of sinners can bond over the grace that redeems them and then worship Him who brought them together even through sin.
Run from pride - thinking that your struggles are not as bad as someone else's. It is the condition of the heart, not always the external action, that must be dealt with. Listen and offer Biblical wisdom after praying. Don't be afraid to confess to God or people. God loves you and He heals. The church body should uplift, point toward Him, and offer love and support. Do not be ashamed - there is no shame in running to Jesus.
1 comment:
U know what, u bring up some good points. Some things I've been dealin with recently. Walking this seeminlgy fine line between confidence and cockiness, openness and unwise outbursts, discipline and legalism... not even sure that's what u were talking about, come to think of it, but it stirred up some things in my mind at least... It always seem that the more of a grasp i get on life the more i realize i don't know it all. Once i hit this spiritual plateau, God humbles me once again. But then again, there is a beauty in discovering that there is more to learn, and more ways and areas in which to grow. It reminds us just how rich and majestic God is (and His word).
And I like that u bring up the point about having brothers/sisters to walk out this faith with us, and our need to continuously seek the Lord and sit at His feet. Honestly, those are probably the two areas I've been weakest in over the past few months, and ironically enough, probably the most important (Luke 10:27). But I do believe He is answering my pleas regarding that. So once again, I think we share the same heart on that (no reason we shouldn't).
I'm currently working on a Fall synopsis, basically documenting and recalling events (and their significance) of this past semester. I'll let ya know when I got it complete.
oh, this is Quintan, btw :-)
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